Right Way To Brew Green Tea !!!
Green teas (and white teas) are more delicate than conventional black tea, so more care is needed in its preparation. Whether you use bagged tea or loose tea, the method is essentially the same.
Start with fresh, cold water, preferably filtered. You don't want that stale water that has been sitting in the kettle on the stove top since last Monday.
Do not use boiling water to steep the tea in! Green tea is more delicate, so you want to keep the water a little cooler, about 165-170
degrees F (73-76 C.)
In addition, never heat the water in an aluminum tea kettle, or steep it in a plastic or aluminum container. Better options include stainless steel, porcelain or china, which are non-reactive and don't induce any off-flavors, or worse yet, toxic residues.